Friday, October 12, 2012

I feel so lonely right now.  I have no friends really, and I have a feeling that my friends are avoiding my calls.  I think to avoid further embarrassment I should end all contact.  Even though I would like to tell them off and let them know I know.  But its for the best.  I have no drama in my life and I'm happy.  Just want someone to share it with. So am I lonely?  Yes.  I have no companions.  I don't want to be desperate, and I'm not depressed.  But I do pray that I have some good friends in my life.  Its a friday night and I a cute girl, with no kids, that doesn't want to go to the bar any more.  I know this is only a season.  And this too will pass, but right now, it just hurts a little. I have no friends, and not even my little sister wants to talk to me.  We fight over nothing, and I'm hurting.    I lie about having friends at work to appear normal, but I'm lonely.